Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Red Metal Core Wheels Update


The sexual confusion comes to me from afar, since I discovered sex. But confusion I think it's alienation. I can be with any group and when they start talking about his sexual tastes I feel like a freak. I remember when, on one occasion, I went for a drink with some friends of environment and asked to plan funny, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What do you look first for a guy?>> The answers were typical. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;The Culo.>> \u0026lt;\u0026lt;The paquete.>> \u0026lt;\u0026lt;In what cachas.>> Then you asked me &; Oacute;, \u0026lt;\u0026lt;What about you how you look first?>> What cavilo length and answered truthfully. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;In The sonrisa.> Come on, the descojone. And what is worse, disbelief. So rare is it? The fact is that I felt more invisible Teruel.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gallbladder Disease More Condition_symptoms mikiencolor @ 2009-08-11T16: 50:00

Moving / Move:


I have moved permanently to wordpress. There I started two blogs:

in English English http://sapphiretrance.wordpress.com

Initially meet the English blog entries posted translations on the blog in English, but later my intention is to develop two more or less independent.


definitively've Moved to wordpress. I've started two blogs there:

http://mikiencolor.wordpress.com in English
http://sapphiretrance.wordpress.com in Inglés

For the moment the blog Ingléswill feature translations of What I publish in the English blog, pero Later on my intention is to publish in Both Independently.

love, miki

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Breathlessness More Condition_symptoms Soldiers

Soldiers want, not partners. Males

want, not humans.

Violent, hard, brutish, not lovers, looking macho life blood and a female submissive to assemble. Relentless competition, violent war, brave and proud to succeed.

Warriors and won what they want, not citizens. Warriors to invade and subjugate. Sociopaths to run without them trembling pulse, dead from the waist up to do what to do, not beings with whom to share empathetic. Love is conquest, they say, accomplished with the invasion.

Tough, tough for the block love us, and productive. Filthy, disgusting, vomits, repulsive, so we want. Frightening, terrifying, notender, not fearful. Dangerous and beautiful we want, not impotent and ugly, soldiers in reserve and always ready to fight.

Warriors to war with other warriors like, survivors to initiate future warriors, executioners to train future executioners, an endless cycle, experts in pain and cruelty want. Fighting dogs, that's what they want. What causes them shame and gentleness. What contempt they deserve tenderness. Fighting bulls want, not tame. Bulls for the bullring, bread and circuses and final madness, that's what they want.

Where are the objectors? Where are they? What a hell is this.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Things To Put Into Wedding Cards Last videillo by me

Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Build A Rabbit Hut S'ha acabat

have obscured a ram
i fot com
fall a shower of quan els as those when was petit. &; Nbsp; , was small. Els Darrera
Vidres After what
crystals look jo m'ho , &; Nbsp; what I look
arrupit, huddled
the mare sat , my mother listens
Roberto CarlosRoberto Carlos tot fent the llit. making the bed.

Flipo Ara joNow that I Flipo
gat amb with that cat
blau i trist sad and blue i moro d'enyorança
& nbsp; and die of longing
perquè ets not here. because you're not here.

The pluja m'ha The rain has
portato records &ambrils. arena.

The mai mare My mother never going Creuros
, & nbsp; is believed that Només
only fossim amics, ; be friends, it protected them ens
she protected us
of llengua & amp; nbsp; of language
dels veins. ; of the neighbors.

Perquè if   Because if you are a home
, were home
saw em
saw me so happy. & Amp; nbsp; so happy.
enteníem No ho però
not understood, a fill , but a son toujours és
, & amp; nbsp; is always
a fill. a son.

Cossa & nbsp; Two bodies Enmig
the middle of the sand sorra

wallowed. embraced.


From the mind & nbsp; In my mind
not m'esborra. not deleted.


creure'm No puc I can not believe that S'ha acabat. It's over.

wrappers will aparèixer appeared
& nbsp; surrounded by mystery
mystery in the first moment the first
time goes sembler, All seemed normal
. ; normal.

Borratxera, drunkenness, uncontrolled
, , decontrol, mais i
Rialles. joints and laughter. I l'endemo

; And in the morning I
jo amb Ressaca
hungover i ell amb her and he goes with it
se'n anar. left. But

ara But now that Núvol
& nbsp; this cloud slowly lentament

ja has passat. has passed. Ja
Plou no rain no longer gray
i cel and the gray sky that
semble &; Nbsp; seems S'ha
escampat. Which it clears. I

And a great love love, not pot
can not
mOrire-be aixi. die like this. Pel

cassette tape for the mare ma
my mother
m 'has semblat
me feel like ... hear ...

Uoooooh. & nbsp;

Two Cossa ; Two bodies Enmig
the middle of the sand sorra


wallowed. &; Nbsp; embraced.


From the mind of my mind
not m 'esborrar. not deleted.


creure'm No puc I can not believe that S'ha acabat. It's over.
