1) Play all the songs from your computer at random
2) Copy the sentence that you like from each of the first 20
3) Suspend them on your LJ and let people guess the title and singer of the song
1. "Is not no pots veure ja ho puc to resist?"
2. "From cop i volta Només puc think això. No et deixaré Marxan mai més! "
3. "With skin of wolf and cowardly heart, with over a thousand reasons to hate him."
4. "I n order for the silent terra, meu lift the puny novament"
5. "If I pay at the end, the menys puc dir, which donated feina."
6. 'Cause his world is built round punctuality. It Never Fails. "
7. "How much pain you're feeling lost, and that bitterness is fucked your destiny."
8. "Let me explain why you're confusing ..."
9. "That Justifies Despesas SUPOS, buying Espasa d l'e l'Archangel Miquel. "
10. "With the sea I painted striped sailor shirt"
11. "When Violence Causes the silence, we Must Be Mistaken. "
12. "Always remember what I wrote one day ..."
13. "SOCRATES capac de fer-te fly, I came amb jo i et t'adonaràs that oblidada Fare."
14. "But When The Sun Went Down, the rapid tempo of the music Fell."
15. "Entre les Boires del somni, fugint for tots."
16. "It has to do with the breeze fanning your eyes."
17. "Tutte le Genti, passerranno che, che bel fior my diranno"
18. "The runway is so wide sense the seu amant."
19. "Do not break my heart, Miky!"
20. "No face as hideous as my face ever meant to WAS for heaven's light "
Well, already, go for them!