Monday, October 27, 2008

Bosun Leather Cleaner Le français

Let's see, a little everyday. Yep, I've been in a French course. I would have liked to write this post in French, or at least part of it, but unfortunately the extent of my vocabulary is not so great yet so ... how easy. : P

I've been about two weeks and I'm progressing. Two profs. The Monday and Wednesday I think is new because he is always anxious, especially when it comes to the principal. It makes me sad and I always want to cheer at the end of class, tell you what is good or something, but is not as "ball" in front of other students. : P The other is clearly more seasoned, more quiet, not afraid of the director (although it fails to translate into English of all when she comes) She is more confident note mysma. And the director ... is quite a character. How is imposed! It reminds me of my godmother.

Among the students, because the typical cast of a foreign language course in Madrid: English everywhere and lot of foreign residents. The other American in the group, as there can be no other way, gives a loud shout every time he opens his mouth. In the first class when he played say what we liked doing it announced, angry and making faces and gestures of disgust, "Television!? NOOO! TV ... TV is something foreign to me! Television is a strange thing! " With so exaggerated that was forcefully expressed to scare the poor teacher who, as I said, is new. Furthermore, the aunt mumbles to himself in English durthe entire class, from time to time with superfluous comments unsettling the poor wretch who is with him (in the first class it was me), but do not understand any English, and then still muttering. Spend of what the teacher says and when it catches your eye, reacts in surprise. Up strives to address the teacher in English as early in the course and the teacher warned us that the languages you are French and Castilian, with very little English. When he had to invent a joke plan description of a family photo and our group we played a real family photo, I had the idea of our family surname "The Sharps" and the others were in line ... least this chick I know not what the people of Minnesota thatare mosque and accused us indignantly, of being disrespectful to the royal family and all English! Until the mission was already sick of it. (Yes, there is a missionary).

I take it with resignation. Never, in any case, I have been on a course where my former compatriots have not given the memo. I can not explain, but it is rare to win, or perhaps simply the years of separation do I bump their ways. In any case, this girl is as close to the second wife of Juan Cuesta , The Herbs, I've never met.

No one supports it but that will entail so we take turns.

Another classmate is N. remarkable in Barcelona I think. Only because I like itgo. I do not know what Barcelona have aunts who looked like dykes to shoot me so much. ;)

addition is the Mexican mission, unlike what might give the impression sa profession, it is not heavy. Rather, it is very hearty and relaxed. (In contrast, the herbs ...)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Streaming Fish Sticks On Earth, breathe it's free

Reflections of an astronaut, Yi So-Yeon, after their stay at the International Space Station:
[from this article: / planet]

When he left the ISS, the astronaut was to promise to sing a Korean song in space. Now, their preferences seem closer to the profound philosophy that folklore. "When I saw the Earth into space and I realized that it was very beautiful, but then I realized that no machine could not breathe or drink." Then came the revelation: "On Earth we can do all that for free. Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide are gratuitos, and even if it was not our fault, we would not pay for water. " And abounds: "Originally, fruit, meat ... everything was free, but then we invented a series of systems and we had to start paying for everything. " "The Earth is free for us, but I remember that did not appreciate before. In the space that I realized just 100 kilometers high would have to pay a lot to breathe or drink, "says the astronaut. Yi refers

smooth economic theory with the theological disquisitions. "If God gave us the free world, I think it would be very angry, because although we can enjoy this gift, we fight each other, we criticize, soiled the environment ..." The indignationn to the perfidy of their species grows and Yi finished with a strong statement: "If I were God, would strip the Earth to humans."

How right, how right.