Friday, December 31, 2010
Usb Hd Adapter For Car Stereo Newborn Sleep
something extraordinary in the simple things day in 2011, smile, cry, draw, dream, imagine, sing, kiss, hug, cry, meet and create (one more time s).
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Motorcycle Trials, Nc Musical Shrine: Allow a song
Go, then, to leave their song.
Title: (Song Name)
Author - Singer: (Who does the singing - the play - the dance)
information: (Can you tell me your name and, perhaps, something about you and the song)
Send this information in a comment (here), a direct message or tweet (@ gatohelecho) or email (carlosapreza @ yahoo . com).
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Asberger Syndrome More Condition_symptoms He fell in love with a bird
- wrong, because nobody holds a cloud filled with feathers, "says the wind to mourn him.
- The bird, cloud, leaving only storm stops, the rest of the day, lightning flies exclaimed when the boy looks at the sky.
- Hall before two clouds in the same way to find your bird, "says the wind as the child draws a sky map on the floor.
- What will you do now, baby off the ground? -Questionsta lightning.
- Be Dragon ", replied the boy.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Southpark Stream Fishsticks ARA Diari t'estimo, TV3 ja t'ho currant is a mica més ...
Desembre dissabte 11, of 2010 will be an important day per moltes coses, among elles, pels catalans de l'hoquei seguidors PATINS perquè the Canvi semble that començaa be real.
Let me explain:
Des de fa anys a quant Discau FC Barcelona Sorli (or whatever is CONEIX popularment Barca d'hoquei com) is a leader of the Classificació unfailingly de l'Ok Lliga , des fa molt de temps, guanyar the house or arrencar Barçaa-li gairebé uns punts was impossible, i molts anys acabava passant, that the club was Lliga mitja sole leader of the Classificació i estava molt dels altres allunyat classificats.
Bé, aquesta doncs semble season Canvi sew them, that res més perquè com Barca as the Vic, which usually become l'ETERN segon, semble that are not passant per un bon moment or per a host of circumstances have Perdut habituals més dels punts. Aquest Doncs
dissabte is where some of the produce is in diuen The Classic de l'hoquei PATINS, a Barça - Reus Deportiu - se'n perquè diu Clàssic two per Tradició equips enemistats , i to get used to Mourad's per the top of the
I Classificació .- Aquest is that Classic passar l'hoquei is one thing that FEIA passa 10 anysis regular phase Lliga guanyar Reus is the Palau Blaugrana, which is conegut in món de l'hoquei com Forti Barca perquè no public apretí, l'normalment public affluence is Aviat escasso month, but Barca perquè l'equip hegemonic i was invincible, home sobretot seva .-
Arrel d'aquesta Victorian
; ria of Deportiu Reus, l'equip de Reus is situated sole leader, 10 punts in the third classificat which is the club.
that I tot i estic molt veure euphoric Estimat meu equip the per fi l'Triomf in Lliga Ok i veure that anem per les pistes dels grans i fem no shame, i that comencem to turn to be the erem. Em i em vull Queixa LA NOSTRA perquè vull estimadíssima outrage public TV ', yes, the solidarity of their own Producció series is the FC Barcelona Televisió , a. - Yes, amics de l'Espanyol, ho ho i recognize what I reconegut semper i tot i quan is parliament that football, in part, em not so upset that tots ens podem veiga OFES .-
feel that the Queixo Em TN Migdia of diumenge, they will not mention res. RES DE RES. Em
molt trist semble the public Televisió de Catalunya is not an esport that to mencionimolt minority is that you're Catalunya, a master on esport equips catalans els. I més trist em semble that mencionin Només the quan-oh miracle, guanya Barca, who ja é no s no news .-
això, which Tingueu un bon dia.
I ara a photo pose d'un tio bo-that Juga to Reus d'Hoquei Patins pel-com to claim post / esports / mes_esports / hoquei_patins/ok_lliga-barca-reus_0_388161704.html
Chronicle going to mitja sortir ahir i pàgina amb Diari photo to Ara.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
South Park - Fish Sticks Online Stream Review of Merlin 3x13 (with spoilers, obviously)
Let's see, where to begin:
feel like I have to wait so long to see the continuation ... going to die ... TT
molado I have not the thing has been so as before it yeah, now we have the troupe-for guys who want to brush-named Merlin Knights of Camelot, but Arthur still does not know that Merlin is a magician and Uther is still alive. What bothers me most is first, that Uther is still alive I'm a bit alike.
Very nice, very epic all very "FOR THE LOVE OF CAMELOT", but little progress.
That if slashies great momentsis. Arthur
forcing Merlin to go with them, how good it is sentadito at the round table ... xD
Lancelot Merlin shamelessly flirting with ...
Gwaine being terribly adorable. BLA BLA BLA
What to do for the BBC reconsider and set the fourth season soon?
As you see in the picture, Bradley and Colin are dying to start this season.
looking for a picture to continue the epic chapter, but I found this, which is very cute. xD
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fish Stick Song South Park After a zillion years ...
Well, that, after "a zillion years"-is that not long ago that post, but I have a teacher who is canon that says "zillion" and made me illusion n to have become the buzzword .-.
What happened to me?
As the University and its beautiful practice, I have a profes majos the chalice to believe that we get bored a lot at home, and of course, because as they do not want that to happen to us and give us a bad life because of boredom, then send us a sea of entertaining practice to distract us and make us good people. CHT
MLXC Another thing that happened to me is the lack of inspiration, which is bad bad, and that ara has made me rather of fics has given me to do fanart. When I pull one of which does not embarrass me much and I will hang around here ...
"Things that I owe you" \u0026lt;/ strong>>
I know ... You thought I forgot? No, but I say that will take ... but will come someday ...
- Kriqué (Geri is going to the World) to
late birthday gift:
Well, that, patience.
"Things to comment" \u0026lt;/ strong>>
Merlin Third Season(A spoiler there)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh! And is almost over ... That strong, this series is becoming the worst father saga is that I love, "Merlin is super mega hyper love with Arthur and the torture he goes and fooling around with Gwen ... That strong. Gwaine
is coladísimo by Merlin but of course, the guy does not make him any attention because it has a prince to be protected. That's it. I love it!. XD
The pinicula Harry Popotter (Spoilers to sack paco)
Na, not bad. I stick a hartón time to mourn with Dobby, fucking drama.No drama I remember what it was ... And on top I have a friend who is combed (or disheveled as we see it) and Helena Bonham-Carter in the movie and I "has killed Sirius and Dobby" and party. Normal.
Voldemort in Castilian voice is an asshole, really, not scary, like a rare account viejuno battles.
I see the second part, to see how it goes.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tick Bites More Condition_symptoms On Thursday ... say, Friday
How have you been?
may not know who speaks
or maybe ever you forgotten
Baby I'm not so bad baby
know I love you come out on Friday and speak in front

Same and I steal a kiss from your mouth
and stop believing that I'm nothing and I
Same Same and not understand that I need

Same and I embrace you very tenderly
and do all your doubts disappear Same and I failed
but tell me who was not wrong

gual and on top of
but do not want me back let me kiss your forehead and ask
Just look
you again next Friday ...

Equal and stole a kiss from your mouth
and stop believing that I'm nothing and I
As explained
same and do not understand that I need

Same and I embrace you very tenderly
and do all your doubts disappear
Same and I failed but tell me who was not wrong
same and on top of
but do not want me back let me kiss your forehead,
and I ask you again Like
looked last Friday ...
on Friday.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Infections More Condition_symptoms I like you ...
is so simple, so simple ...
I like airplanes, I like you .
I like traveling, I like you.
Like the morning, I like you.
Like the wind, I like you.
I like to dream, Ilike you.
I like the sea, I like you.
I like the guitar, I like you.
regaee I like, I like you.
& amp; nbsp;
I'll do, je ne sais pas.
I'll do, je ne sais plus.
I'll do, je suis perdu.
That hours are, my heart.
I like the canela, I like you.
I like fire, I like you.
I like wiggle, I like you.
Coruña I like, I like you.
Like Malasaña, I like you.
I like the brown, I like you.
I like Guatemala, I like you.
I'll do, je ne sais pas.
I'll do, je ne sais plus.
I'll do, je suis perdu.
That hours are, my heart
Monday, September 6, 2010
Float Bowl Metal Phbh Phbl Dellorto Only death
without sound
the heart through a tunnel
dark, dark, dark,
in a shipwreck we die
as we drown in the heart,
as we go falling from the skin of the soul.
There are corpses, feet
is cold and sticky clay, death is
as pure sound,
as a barking dog,
out of certain campaigns, certain graves,
growing in damp air like tears or rain.
I see, alone, veces,
coffins under sail sail with the pale dead, dead women in braids,
with bakers white as angels,
thoughtful girls married to notaries, caskets sailing up the river
vertical of the dead, the river
up, with sails filled by the sound of death,
swollen by the silent sound of death.

drawn to sound the death
like a shoe without a foot, like a suit without a man,
comes to knock with a stone ring, and fingerless
comes and shouts with no mouth, no tongue , no throat.
his footsteps sound and dress sounds, silent as a tree.
I do not know, I am ignorant, I hardly see
but I think his singing has the color of damp violets, of violets
accustomed to the earth,
because the face of death is green, and
gaze of death is green,
with the penetrating dampness of a violet leaf
and the somber color of embittered winter.
But death also goes through the world dressed as a broom, lapping the floor looking
death is in the broom, in the language
ldeath looking for corpses,
is the needle of death looking for thread.
Death is in the cots:
on the slow mattresses, in the black blankets lying
lives, and suddenly breathes out:
blows out a mournful sound that swells the sheets, and there
sailing toward a port where death is waiting, dressed like an admiral.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Diy Tilting Trike Designs My life tastes like you ...
greetings to all!
is not stop thinking about you,
since I first saw you.
was beautiful there just like you,
and your white shirt and blue.
did not seem possible that so many people there
pudieses you look out at me.
And now I can not be almost,
not see without thinking about where you are,
yesterday I was with demore
to see who says I love you now.
When I smiled without speaking,
was as if I started flying, it seems inevitable
our love,
we have no fear or pain. Promise
again that is true it is,
are looking just for me.
And now I can not be almost,
not see without thinking about where you are,
yesterday I was with others,
to see who I want says now.
You swear that will never end,
that is not the primAvera, who leaves,
what I want most is to have you here,
my life now I know you.
swear that will never end,
is not spring, he goes,
what I want most is to have here.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Lumbar Radiculopathy More Condition_symptoms Quello Che Non Ti Ho Detto (Scusami. ..)
Scusami is ho preferito Scriver,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Signs Of Hiv More Condition_symptoms Calculus
We are waiting, your change of season
your vision of rain
Maybe your new confusion
not be me who can descifrarte
Your child costume,
hide your mission then you discover
storm of passion,
Maybe today, who will I
can descifrarte.
back to being my dream, my sweet siren
back to being CHRasolo spend hours without being able to kiss you
back to being the universe suddenly.
I do not think you can know what it feels
hood down
the fitful light of the background in your area
where everything turns and then slowly ...
back to being my dream, my sweet siren![]()
back to being the sun that burns the stars, sunflowers
spend hours without being able to kiss![]()
back to being the universe suddenly.![]()