Well, that, after "a zillion years"-is that not long ago that post, but I have a teacher who is canon that says "zillion" and made me illusion n to have become the buzzword .-.
What happened to me?
As the University and its beautiful practice, I have a profes majos the chalice to believe that we get bored a lot at home, and of course, because as they do not want that to happen to us and give us a bad life because of boredom, then send us a sea of entertaining practice to distract us and make us good people. CHT
MLXC Another thing that happened to me is the lack of inspiration, which is bad bad, and that ara has made me rather of fics has given me to do fanart. When I pull one of which does not embarrass me much and I will hang around here ...
"Things that I owe you" \u0026lt;/ strong>>
I know ... You thought I forgot? No, but I say that will take ... but will come someday ...
- Kriqué (Geri is going to the World) to
late birthday gift:
Well, that, patience.
"Things to comment" \u0026lt;/ strong>>
Merlin Third Season(A spoiler there)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh! And is almost over ... That strong, this series is becoming the worst father saga is that I love, "Merlin is super mega hyper love with Arthur and the torture he goes and fooling around with Gwen ... That strong. Gwaine
is coladísimo by Merlin but of course, the guy does not make him any attention because it has a prince to be protected. That's it. I love it!. XD
The pinicula Harry Popotter (Spoilers to sack paco)
Na, not bad. I stick a hartón time to mourn with Dobby, fucking drama.No drama I remember what it was ... And on top I have a friend who is combed (or disheveled as we see it) and Helena Bonham-Carter in the movie and I "has killed Sirius and Dobby" and party. Normal.
Voldemort in Castilian voice is an asshole, really, not scary, like a rare account viejuno battles.
I see the second part, to see how it goes.
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