Sunday, January 31, 2010

Skin Allergies More Condition_symptoms Eye Thief

He went out and there he was, happening. Time stopped in the backyard, but he kept walking. He was tall, taller than her reflection. So high that surely touch the sky when you want. Could wear any color but purple adorned it perfectly. The glare of sunshine, a smile on itself, almost taking away one, but he preferred that his was the only illuminated the world. He stole his eyes. So, without further. It threw them into the backpack without knowing it. Without even saberle.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stream South Park Fish Sticks Silence

Silent when I need more noise. Your voice would fill my eyes, blinding me for not thinking. The darkness melts the dream, I see, but do not say anything. A beast finishing moves and an idealist. I did not want your words heal me, I just needed company.

The Plague More Condition_symptoms ROMA

If Hagues nascut to Rome If you were born in Rome
two thousand fa més anys , for more than two thousand years
viuria an empire, , & nbsp; live in an empire, a esclau tindríem
, would a slave, the pati
Amfora ;; ; amphorae
patio d'oli i saw steep embankment ; , & amp; nbsp; filled with oil and wine
i marbre statue and a marble statue dedicated
me. & nbsp; dedicated to me. If Hagues nascut

Rome If you were born in Rome
two thousand fa més anys , for more than two thousand years
not smell xampú Faria , no shampoo oleríaa
the Daurat cabell teu. thy golden hair.

Ofeririem bous als deus, , would offer oxen to the gods,
bridaríem soldats amb
toast with soldiers awaken a car i ensand we wake up one car per l'empredrat
thriving. going up the pavement. I els

tourists is fan photos & nbsp; And the tourists take pictures
on your i jo vam esmorzar, where you and I had breakfast, són les coses bones
& nbsp, are the good things
de passe a l'eternitat. to spend eternity. Els
A Guide ; A guide teaches the mosaic of menjador
, & nbsp; the mosaic in the dining room is portrayed i
passegen ; are portrayed and walk
per la nostra habitació. & nbsp; by our room.

I ara a nen Dibuix to llapis Now a child's pencil drawing room
to the museum, & nbsp; in the hall of the museum, the bracelets of Maragda

emerald bracelet that t'embolicava the peu. you wrap the foot. I

troba a diver & absp; are the good things
de passe a l'eternitat. to spend eternity.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Sore Throats More Condition_symptoms You ...

I'm with you I discover my true
have given me along the way
so much, both truth

if you're desperate thoughts

minutes defoliating and loneliness are

So say you have me if you're desperate

my heart beats and feel you
will be will be that one day you stole half
the sun and stars their glory

have a look that makes me shudder
between your lips say that I have
as your hands slide over my skin
have a crazy passion that drives me crazy because it

wrap me in your kisses and my heart

sitting here today I look
happens is your eyes that makes me want more as I wrapped
in your dream

if you're desperate thoughts

minutes defoliating and loneliness are

I want to find (I do not miss)
your dreams
(Not one gave without seeing a heart) I want to live

Fearless (That and the life I will)
(now that I'm dying of love)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Free First Timeauditions Boy Void

Villagers reported seeing a boy walking down the streets empty. Some believe that behind those glasses, lay a secret prince, others think it was a ghost translucent. The heroes of the people - the brave, crazy, blessed - search canaries had sent him, the birds returned three hours later, that guy singing that had not nothing. The scholars of the kingdom - the intelligent, the learned, the stealthy - spoke with cats, beasts of a nose in his eyes, who laments meow incomprehensible to man.
The boy s & amp; oacute; as walking, nothing touched, nothing happened to die, nothing lived. A dream castle prince lost in a distant world. The thief without ears - the dark, cruel, beast - he took the memory and dreams, the boy looked very empty. He, now blind, can not remember their struggles and their reflection. Full of nothing, empty of everything.

Villagers reported seeing a boy walking down the streets empty. Some believe that waiting for the end of the world, others think that only another life waiting for the next.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Seborrhea More Condition_symptoms Empty

I regret not writing (rather than Weightlessness Phenomenon). The days have been bad, very bad. I can not write anything. I feel empty.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Motorolaprogrammation Lts 2000 Superherois

Gràcies per RAC1 exist per brighten els matins, els Migdia afternoons them, I nits, per fer-us feel com toujours La pasión mai i com pel futbol, per be a great family that Només ens come fa-ne win to form part. Sense the radio, hi Hauri BUITs moments molt. Gràcies per omplir the i-fer-ho bé so.


com do not know, I know quan, les coses van anar passant els anys
i vam veure amb that hi havia més llum Enllà
Creuros the mod vam n was nostre ... I és

veritat, vam passar, peròamics això fet res més not
I started, it's time fer the salt nostre, Endavant. L'
is time for the great revolta.

Trencarem Barreres, farem nostre l'Horitzó, which
tot és molt millor ens wait ... Somniarem
depressa, per tot viatjarem món,
com superstars com superherois ...

has arribat The notre temps, life passa i no podem expect
és massa tard per Seure here i contemplate
com tot is mou, com tot flicker.

may not close up tight ens hem aconseguit a cop to be login, s'est Somnis
fent els nostres realitat. La nostra llum esmolt més fort.

Trencarem Barreres, farem nostre l'Horitzó, which
tot és molt millor ens wait ... Somniarem
depressa, per tot viatjarem món,
com superstars com superherois ...

s'esgoti Quan l'air, quan ens not deixin marge,
vulguin trencar quan-nos. Ens Només caldrà
a per alena lleugera be indestructible,
per invulnerable. Per be superherois.

Trencarem Barreres, farem nostre l'Horitzó, which
tot és molt millor ens wait ... Somniarem
depressa, per tot viatjarem món,
com superstars com superherois ... CHTMLX
Guille Milkyway C

GOL D'INIESTA - Joan Maria Pou

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pokemon Plush Epoleon Forgot shower

I took a shower with warm water at ten o'clock. I washed my hair to clean my roots of their ideas, beautiful, perverse, almost ethereal. Rubbed my body with a siren turned into sponge, and clearing his mouth of my shoulders, his dreams of my hands, her voice my hopes, and encouragement of my eyelashes. The water ran, carrying all the memories, the kisses, the world. Wrung the last drops of oblivion at eleven o'clock.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

O.c.d. More Condition_symptoms Manfred


i els seus your braces every matí
com nu cercaves between them
rocks the trail of TEUs Paradis. On són els

ocells d'ales blanques? On
salvatge is remor? On
marina is memory? D'
Elisi escuma i nord?

I mut, Contemplative tragedy recordes
d'quan cultivars that Alemanya boirosa
on sentit had no hi res. But

Manfred, Li has fet sea que l'aigua S'ha
tenyit de mort,
arriving to the ch of vergonya platja
that ho embRuten tot? But

Manfred, Li fet to the sea have
That t'han atravessat cor, amb
Llanca misery, l'ho Atlantic bellesa inundava
that tot? Novembre

i els seus your braces every matí
com nu cercaves between them
rocks the trail of TEUs Paradis. But

has estat qui-te ability to steal
an endless sea somni,
banyant life-is to the crit i
Platja dels abissat dofins?

I diuen Bruixes them marines et veuen
that roam pels Esculls
an ombra into gloomy, dressed in our sadness mars
i als teus ulls.

November opened its arms
and you naked like every morning
looking among the rocks
track your paradise.

Where are the white-winged birds?
Where is the wild rumor?
Where is the marina
memory foam Elisio the north?

and silent, watching the tragedy
remember when he had to flee
dand that Germany misty
where nothing made sense.

Manfred But, what you have done

sea water to death has been stained,
arriving at the beach waves of shame
it all dirty?

Manfred But, what you have done to the sea
That you have gone through the heart,
with spears of misery, beauty Atlantic
it flooded everything?

November opened its arms and you
naked as cach morning
looking among the rocks
track your paradise.

But who has been able to steal
a dream of endless sea, life
bathing on the beach
shriek and dolphins?

And they say the sea witch
they see you wandering about the reef
a shadow in the darkness, dressed
nudity and seas of sadness in your eyes.

Gnädinger Manfred, for more than treinta years
had left Germany to install
Camelle (Costa da Morte - Galicia). Following
simple shack where he lived had been built a museum
of sculptures made of stones and foreign elements that had
sea that made the expression No artistic
his resignation from the conventional life. Everything was
to fret when the tanker Prestige spilled its load
to sink near the coast. Manfred