Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Plague More Condition_symptoms ROMA

If Hagues nascut to Rome If you were born in Rome
two thousand fa més anys , for more than two thousand years
viuria an empire, , & nbsp; live in an empire, a esclau tindríem
, would a slave, the pati
Amfora ;; ; amphorae
patio d'oli i saw steep embankment ; , & amp; nbsp; filled with oil and wine
i marbre statue and a marble statue dedicated
me. & nbsp; dedicated to me. If Hagues nascut

Rome If you were born in Rome
two thousand fa més anys , for more than two thousand years
not smell xampú Faria , no shampoo oleríaa
the Daurat cabell teu. thy golden hair.

Ofeririem bous als deus, , would offer oxen to the gods,
bridaríem soldats amb
toast with soldiers awaken a car i ensand we wake up one car per l'empredrat
thriving. going up the pavement. I els

tourists is fan photos & nbsp; And the tourists take pictures
on your i jo vam esmorzar, where you and I had breakfast, són les coses bones
& nbsp, are the good things
de passe a l'eternitat. to spend eternity. Els
A Guide ; A guide teaches the mosaic of menjador
, & nbsp; the mosaic in the dining room is portrayed i
passegen ; are portrayed and walk
per la nostra habitació. & nbsp; by our room.

I ara a nen Dibuix to llapis Now a child's pencil drawing room
to the museum, & nbsp; in the hall of the museum, the bracelets of Maragda

emerald bracelet that t'embolicava the peu. you wrap the foot. I

troba a diver & absp; are the good things
de passe a l'eternitat. to spend eternity.



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