Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Build A Rabbit Hut S'ha acabat

have obscured a ram
i fot com
fall a shower of quan els as those when was petit. &; Nbsp; , was small. Els Darrera
Vidres After what
crystals look jo m'ho , &; Nbsp; what I look
arrupit, huddled
the mare sat , my mother listens
Roberto CarlosRoberto Carlos tot fent the llit. making the bed.

Flipo Ara joNow that I Flipo
gat amb with that cat
blau i trist sad and blue i moro d'enyorança
& nbsp; and die of longing
perquè ets not here. because you're not here.

The pluja m'ha The rain has
portato records &ambrils. arena.

The mai mare My mother never going Creuros
, & nbsp; is believed that Només
only fossim amics, ; be friends, it protected them ens
she protected us
of llengua & amp; nbsp; of language
dels veins. ; of the neighbors.

Perquè if   Because if you are a home
, were home
saw em
saw me so happy. & Amp; nbsp; so happy.
enteníem No ho però
not understood, a fill , but a son toujours és
, & amp; nbsp; is always
a fill. a son.

Cossa & nbsp; Two bodies Enmig
the middle of the sand sorra

wallowed. embraced.


From the mind & nbsp; In my mind
not m'esborra. not deleted.


creure'm No puc I can not believe that S'ha acabat. It's over.

wrappers will aparèixer appeared
& nbsp; surrounded by mystery
mystery in the first moment the first
time goes sembler, All seemed normal
. ; normal.

Borratxera, drunkenness, uncontrolled
, , decontrol, mais i
Rialles. joints and laughter. I l'endemo

; And in the morning I
jo amb Ressaca
hungover i ell amb her and he goes with it
se'n anar. left. But

ara But now that Núvol
& nbsp; this cloud slowly lentament

ja has passat. has passed. Ja
Plou no rain no longer gray
i cel and the gray sky that
semble &; Nbsp; seems S'ha
escampat. Which it clears. I

And a great love love, not pot
can not
mOrire-be aixi. die like this. Pel

cassette tape for the mare ma
my mother
m 'has semblat
me feel like ... hear ...

Uoooooh. & nbsp;

Two Cossa ; Two bodies Enmig
the middle of the sand sorra


wallowed. &; Nbsp; embraced.


From the mind of my mind
not m 'esborrar. not deleted.


creure'm No puc I can not believe that S'ha acabat. It's over.



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