Thursday, January 29, 2009
Cost Of A New License In Ohio Israeli Holocaust deniers
Within the exaltation that Zionism has made the mass murder of Jews, among other groups by Nazi Germany, the " ; denial "or" relativism "have constituted crimes unforgivable. And that is not the same. Denial has tried to remove the legitimacy of Zionism re-twisting the reality of repression & oacute n Nazi Zionist reverse order. Holocaust relativism, far from denying it, he brings other perspectives in any case, the Zionists understand as detrimental to their "cathartic ecstasy" as a denial.
Today, with the massacres of Palestinians in 2008 and 2009 we find a situation in which the Zionists have exchanged their role in representing the deniers. "There are massacres," all are "isolated and independent" and if anything, was in "response to a provocation" and therefore "deserved." They do not like to hear (let him), but Israel is today a collective psychopathology marginallyou; tico caged in their own atomic power. Only if the Israelis knew the power board administrator have on the environment, could "reverse" the process of degeneration which are entangled (all told, with the unconditional support of many Europeans who are not them more than "pawns" useful for another estragegia more blood and fire imposition of capitalist values in the entire planet.)
Israel can negotiate, without any danger for economic integrity (rather the opposite, with greater opportunities). Lift the criminal SITE GAZA, down the wall, negotiate an agreement with the Palestinians (about las bases of Taba, without going any further, or the 1967 Fortera Hamas had accepted in 2007). Nothing. Deny everything. Deny the crime, deny, solution, critics deny .. They talk of suicide bombers. Israel apparently whole-BOMB A COUNTRY, A COUNTRY SUICIDE.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
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No, not that surprised both the sun in your eyes.
Nor is that I miss the tender touch of your skin.
simply is that I get tired of doing nothing.
So I tend to remember things, remember things from yesterday. More
not think that I can not live without you.
Today my nostalgia has another explanation. It is simply
dawned cloudy

And the gray sky and the gray sky
always sets my heart ...
Sentimental, sentimental.
No, not that surprised both sweet your kisses,
And to enjoy the bitterness in me. The asphalt
cherry blossom not
Today there was no sun, no sun today
That's why I'm so.
And do not think that I can not live without you.
Today my nostalgia has another explanation.
is simply
dawned cloudy and gray sky,
and the gray sky always sets my heart ...
Sentimental, sentimental.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Irritable Bowel Syndrome More Condition_symptoms# The Israelis are murderers shitting
"Israel will give its support to any person who has acted on behalf of the State or sent by him. The commanders and soldiers who served in Gaza should know they are safe from these courts, "said Olmert at the start of the meeting of the Council.
Proposed by Defense Minister Ehud Barak, in coordination with the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General, the new law seeks to address the fears of many soldiers from prosecution in foreign courts or be arrested when they leave Israel .
According to the "map" defined by the [sic] authorityis legal in Israel, countries in which Israeli soldiers could face arrest and trial orders are Spain, UK, France and the Nordics.
Olmert, Barak, Livni, murderers, scoundrels. No more shopping in London, there's no holiday on the Costa del Sol but we were very comfortable there between mob bosses.
Poor Israeli soldiers able to shoot him in the head at close range a child afraid. They are afraid of nosotros.Tienen afraid to leave their paisucho. Come out of there, crawling cowards! Rise up for justice!
Our efforts are effective, co. Is increasing talk of prosecuting war criminals. P must be increasedress.
Of course, you do not find out that judges do Ejjpaña strike in March that we are all, very sneaky ...
Jacksonville Florida Brazilian Grocery The reactionary left Manichaean
This left determines their positions through alliances and their philosophy is, in short, believe the opposite of claiming the right. Very often this leads to inconsistency and appalling that the right is used to discredit us. Here's a long list: If the right
pornography attack, we defend it - no matter who uses sexist and racist clichés, no matter what all the major capitalist media distrust inspirational.
If prostitution right attacks, we defend it, and if it attacks the client of prostitution, to defend him too. Never mind that the vast majority of prostitutes are slaves and that gangs bring.
Chechens. Okay.
But right attacking Serbia of committing genocide against the Kosovar Albanians Islamophobic ... It feels a lot! Serbia worship and say that there was no genocide, all are stories that are invented NATO.
right And if Russia attacks war with Georgia ... Now is that we love the Kremlin and everything he does, and harangued his army! If the right
defends the Jews, the attack and say that the Holocaust never happened, the Zionists invented it all.
If the right says that gays are bad, defend. If the right says that Hamas is bad, we say they are libertarians. If Hamas attacks on gays, we are silent,
and waited to see what it says right
. If the right says that Hamas is bad for gays, gays tell them to shut up and that Hamas are libertarians.
no longer remember many years ago, defending Islam right tooth and nail because it was his unyielding bastion of pious believers and infidels against hordes of Soviet communism. What did the left then the Islam? That was a backward, medieval religion that made its people suffer, that the imams and mullahs were sold out to capitalism and the Koran used as an opium used to keep workers and peasants. (The Iranian teachers I had, which are left "before the" continue with this interpretation and learned from them.) When it seemed that Israel would align with the UNION Soviet, what did the left of Israel? That was a communist egalitarian society should emulate, of course! It is not difficult nowadays to find a English ex-hippies who spent time in the kibbutz
. When Israel was sold to the United States changed the discourse, of course. Now that the Right defends the Jews and Zionism as the new bulwark against the new hordes infidels, this time Islamic left is akin to Islam. I suspect that if Israel had been aligned with the Soviet Union would have the right of the Palestinians and many leftists who today defend the Palestinians would attack.
is depressing and worrying to see so much inconsistency and lack of own ideas on the leftBEI at such a key to the story. As the left has things seem clear that the reforms will take place on the right, with his usual Leopard, and end up with 3 / 4 of the same. I hope to be wrong.
This inconsistency also makes it difficult for me to approach the left and makes me long for the assurance of radical feminism ... is not that feminists are perfect, but I've never met a Jewish radical feminist who has defended Israel or an Arab radical feminist who has defended Hamas. And that, like it or not, is admirable. Is due to a doctrine that blames men of the conflict, and all conflicts, which I think can be a bit simplistic and dogmatic. But it was his doctrine, hell, and defensiblean in dignity and consistency against left and right and what was needed. Not like us who have to wait and see what the neocons say before opening your mouth, lest we agree on something. I still think that radical feminism is the most consistent philosophical today's left, perhaps with humanism.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
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His position on the Israeli genocide is intolerable Particularly, pero Certainly it is possible I is Simply Misinformed on the matter is I still Given Surrounded by Zionist lackeys and the establishment I works for is the Same as always. If this is tI May Be case it possible to petition him and change His mind. Normally I think That writing to and Petitioning American Leaders is a complete waste of time unless you CAN back up the letter with sizeable Some Other Monetary offer or offer of Interest to Them (like space for military bases), but I'm not sure anymore if this is the case with Obama. It Could not hurt to try, Especially Given How many people wasted valuable ink and / or writing to Bush or bandwidth to local Their "representative" which only served basis to put on Secret Police Themselves lists. Particularly it is important for anti-Zionist Jewish groups to petition him to discredit Zionist Claim to represent 'the Jewish people "That Their opponent's or are" anti-Semites "That They Are and show nothing more Than a group of racist, geneocidal right-wing extremists as well as to Force Them to answer only for Themselves and Their Acts, Because There Is No Doubt That the Zionists Are Already in direct contact with him.
By the Same token Normally I do not comment on American politics in Inglés, again because i do not like to waste my time making appeals on hopeless cases. Normally I limit myself to condemning Other Governments for Collaborating with the U.S. as it is really this Collaboration Which Enables Them to do all the Damage They Do, and Communicating with people in democractic Certain Societies with a level of freedom of expression and free flow of information accustomed to people WHERE Are Questioning Authorities and official versions of events and communication Such WHERE CAN Be Useful for changi Malthusng minds. Basically European Leaders Have done nothing to stop the latest Israeli massacre as Were all waiting for Obama to take over to see if I Would take the lead and instructions' Give Them, In Spite Of The Fact That All of Their electors Have Been clamouring for direct intervention .
But while in Europe's case There is a clear difference Between the passivity of the governments Which Fear That U.S. Retaliation for Any disagreements Could Directly or Indirectly unseat theme from power or Endanger Their Economies, and the outrage of ordinary Citizens, in the U.S. MOST Simply ordinary Citizens profess an absolute Faith in Their Authorities and a small minority profess an absolute Distrust, But only an tinier minority events Can Be Considered To Have well-informed opinions worthTaking Seriously. The reason behind this is in part American Authorities Because Directly control and censor all mass media outlets, Which Are oblige to emit only Pentagon-approved information (These controls date back to the end of the US-Vietnam War, as in That case freedom of the press importations Disastrous for the American Regime and the confidence in institutions). Because it American propaganda también permeate all Levels of Society and is Constantly hammered Into Hollywood Through ITS submissive Population and school superproductions cirriculums, from cradle to grave. This, Combined with the strict state-controlled media, is the Successful American formula for controlling STIs Population and Ensuring loyalty. It is so Successful That Have the Chinese copied it wholesale as a functionalTheir replacement for old-fashioned Maoist propaganda machine, and it has exquisitely Them Also served basis. (They Have Not Had Since one single Tiananmen Square Methods Adopting American propaganda! Remove Impressive.)
In Any case, this situation Means That the only one Can Have Worthwhile dialogue in the U.S. is high Directly with the Authorities, As They Are the only ones with real power and Stock Meaningful or influence. So if the Authorities Are Already Bought Intransigent or out or in the service of Certain Interests, Appealing to Them is absolutely useless.
Yet here I am, Appealing. That in Itself is not small and Achievement You Can Be Sure it is Directly related to These Two Decisions on lobbying and abortion, and Their Potential Implicationsregarding Obama's character and psychology, and Not Just His boyish good looks. Although my Faith in the American people and Its establishment is still zero, or events less than zero if possible, I am not sure Longer Who, if Anyone, Obama Represents. If he's curtail lobbies Then maybe is not connected with any. And if I Truly is idealistic, an Informed, intelligent dialogue with him May Be Fruitful.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Named Parts/diagram Of Sailboat Petition to bring Israel Before The International Criminal Court
I think the site is fucked, probably because the volume of traffic, but keep trying. I think it's important for everyone to let us firmilla if only so that it shows the extent of rejection.
It Seems hard to access the site, Probably Because of the volume of traffic, But Keep Trying. I think it's important we all sign Even if just to make clear the scale of the Opposition. SPANISH
Stream South Park Online Free Israeli Ambassador shines
"Rogaríaa Palestinians to decide whether to continue the moderate model (the PNA), or with Hamas," said the Israeli ambassador. Opting for this second path-continued- "has consequences that must take" . "The rules have changed," Schutz has warned.
"Israel talks about peace, but exerts aggression. We are experiencing something difficult to imagine occurring in the XXI century ", has challenged his Palestinian counterpart.
The Israeli diplomat has admitted any & qUOT; errors "deserving" critical ", but has complained of" visceral hatred "of some English media.
has been sympathetic to the demonstrations in support of Gaza, but has asked why there has been protested by as Darfur, Rwanda or Afghanistans against Iran's defiance.
For Israel, there is a reason human, but also political " has argued. Also reflected on why Israel can not use force against Hamas while other country Espanayeyes use it to fight pirates in Somalia. "
shame, Mr. Schutz! How dare you speak of "visceral hatred"? Did the English media have left 1300 dead? What rules have changed? Will the Geneva Convention? Will international law? Are human decency? You dictate to the Palestinians that they must choose to moderate when you yourself represent an extremist regime in the same court that Hamas! Even you have the indecency to compare the slaughter with pirate attacks on ships whenknows that even the Somali pirates are treated a thousand times better and more understanding than Israel on Palestinian civilians. The lack of demonstrations in the West over Darfur and Rwanda is due to deep-seated racism toward blacks that travels throughout Europe, the occupation of Afghanistan is not nearly as bloody and is not restricted to the Afghans in a closed ghetto belligerent attitude is not the same to carry out a slaughter. Are we making fools of yourself or is it stupid?
This is already, you can not negotiate peace with partners as well. To ensure peace is ISRAEL who must radically change its approach and its political class and take to the street bitch and everyone Schutzyou who think like him. What do you think, Mr. Schutz? Would you like to see Iran bombed Israel until they choose a more moderate government? If all that criticizes Schutz practiced by the Israeli state, is incredible hypocrisy of this guy, he has not the slightest shame! If it is for potarle above all it says. Yuck! My congratulations to
Odeh and ANP for their dignity and wisdom very much alive against this barbarity and cynicism as much about others. If the Israelis were so "moderate" as the PA to the conflict and be & amp; iacute; to fixed.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Bowel Blockage More Condition_symptoms U.S. demagoguery
"What is needed," said Obama - is the same perseverance and idealism that our founders showed, "said Obama, who appealed to citizens to seek inspiration in the founding fathers of the country to cope with difficult times live.
The founding fathers of America! Slavery and trafficking in human beings all of them, who laid the foundations of an oligarchic regime and a country that universal suffrage would not come until well into the 1960's. The founding fathers of the United States do not inspire nada that is not vomit. Soil compare the mindless adulation of Americans to their "founding fathers" with the Turks to Mustafa Kemal, but to be fair the comparison is not entirely valid ... Atatürk drop me a thousand times better. At least introduced universal suffrage! Rather, it seems absurd to have to bow to French dictator Napoleon.
Friday, January 16, 2009
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Thursday, January 15, 2009
Make Your Own Wrestlling The left is messed up and he looks demagoguery
Patrons of Public
usually divided into two groups: the ultra-right that can not resist teasing the rock and the "no more" on the left purist who claim to be more Marxist than Marx (which is somewhat difficult as Marx once said "I am not a Marxist", but that's another matter.) Unfortunately this lowers intelligence seriously most of the comments, but sometimes can be fun and even poignant, often sin in all cases of childhood.
Demagoguerya is the greatest enemy of rational discourse, not only but also, by extension, rational behavior. We tend to see clearly the irrational behavior of others without acknowledging their own, and that is very dangerous. Encourages demagoguery injustice as it depends on it. The Zionists do demagoguery when responding to any criticism with the mantra of "antisemitism" and the call to "drive the Israelis into the sea" no longer be another form of demagoguery.
In Spain, ETA commits an offense they put a tube demagoguery. Every politician and his mother out solemnly to denounce the "savagery" and, immediately afterwards, to say that ETA is in the final. If taken literally, would have to conclude that ETA has been en the past for most of its existence. Obviously what matters about ETA is attempting to stop, not it's on its last legs, the first or middle, or you're more or less "finished." Moreover, the activity of ETA is not substantially very different from the many mafias and gangs that are operating in Spain, some of them also with political demands. Neo-Nazis, eg, celebrating the murder of Carlos Palomino by a fascist, like ETA hold their murders. And yet no politician came to the fore at the time to condemn solmnemente, the savagery and ensure that neo-Nazis in Spain are "in the past." Why, if Carlos Palomino is equally dead yan Isaías CarrascoInguna of the two can import them and who killed them? Because plain-and simple, it is useless to denounce a political and populist but the other event. It follows that the policy consideration make their complaints to ETA for political gain that they reported (or to avoid the unpopularity that would cause them not) and not true feelings of dismay. That is, do demagoguery.
Lately I've been reading a little French press to improve my French and I could see the treatment of something that was news in Spain not long ago: that Zapatero was not invited to the mini-summit that Sarkozy called Merkel and Berlusconi. At that time, the English right hatched demagogic interpretation according to which the fault was (betor not you guess) Zapatero to manage the economy so bad and ridicule in the international scene through its association with Hugo Chavez and cut no ice and be irrelevant. This was clearly demagoguery if only for the contradictions (if Zaptero is irrelevant, what's the ridicule that would have done? And if you made a fool of myself and therefore rejected it, would not you want to say that is relevant?). However, from the French press critical of Sarkozy seems he was treated like a clumsy lunge over the president to "the most dynamic economy in Europe." Well, a English reader, probably the PP, could not leave it at that and said, shocked, that the French had no idea what was happening in Spain and how badly we, as reconsultation to be an interesting duel of opposing demagoguery that worked well in their respective environments but seemed pond fish taken once collated together.
In Public (returning to the subject) have come true lately a bunch of racist anti-Jewish to comment more and more outrageous and declaring the left. They make the racist anti-Arab company that claim to the right. (Yes, we will). Some of the most rabid, for instance, came to be known hoaxes studies say that up to 60% of the English genome is due to contact with the Jews but clarifying that "if true, would explain our rogue, rude, and in general, anything bad that we have. " Authentic discourseleft, yes sir. Since the comments are ranked by score is that most of those voting (which tend to be, I suppose, the same comment) responds positively to this kind of racist demagoguery, as well as right-respond positively to his. Another commenter who tried to equate racist against Arabs and against Jews was "stitched negative" by all, as we say in the forums. That is, all preferred their version to sound demagogic.
Some have noted that although the European extreme right almost came to exterminate the Jews a century ago, today are the most constant and ferocious defenders of Israel and the Zionist claims. Others say that despiteMuslim countries are implacable opponents of the majority of social rights claimed by the left, it refuses to criticize Islam. And everyone is right. But you have to keep in mind is that most who call themselves "activists" of a movement does not have its own criteria, simply repeat or exaggerate what they hear and try to stand at odds with those who perceived their opponents as appropriate to look good among his people. As politicians condemn ETA from time to time because "there is always good," while overlooking other criminal activities just as destructive or more but whose complaint would not lead to any immediate political benefit.
That's where demagogues emerge to meetown thinking: the desire to exploit the sheep to look good among his people, telling them what to think and say to get it. But sometimes these false and hypocritical prick make a mess and end up betraying themselves. In this case I say "make a mess dick" not in the lively and figurative sense, but in the absolutely literal sense. And is that very often men who, in fact, bundled by the cock.
Well, it appears that in prison in Valencia Picassent the director had the brilliant idea of bringing the prisoners, some jailed for rape, to witness a striptease . When given the news out in a rush to leave the forum, mostly, childish comments, saying that the poorprisoners also deserve to enjoy and have to pamper them, and in any case we bigots who see it as sexism. But to his great regret the next day in Valencia Esquerra Unida demanded the resignation of the director and branded as sexist and denigrating the show, revealing the foreros. Some even said and I quote, "No, can not believe That the United Left is against erotic or pornographic spectacle for men not to be believed: that's what the Catholic Church. What should the United Left claim is an erotic or pornographic spectacle for the dams, which also have the right to masturbate. After all it is better to masturbate to kill a Palestinian, is not it? . "
Man, I donever raised, but now that you mention it I guess so, it is better to masturbate than to kill a Palestinian. I see it better at least go. Go if you look better. But you'll need to see the apples with the oranges, I do not see so clear. What will they see the slaughter in Gaza that the United Left is against "an erotic show for boys" or that this Maromo not you believe it? I do not know, I know, are the mysteries and cryptic own demagoguery. But wait, because the thing better.
Imagine my surprise when one of the most relentless critics, not only of Zionism but of all Jews and staunch defenders of the Palestinians out with this pearl of wisdom:
"... outraged bya nude is itself hypocritical and short people, unable to put on instead of the internal Picassent and understand that this show made them forget for a few hours of his confinement. Is a left that has empathy to put yourself in the shoes of a Palestinian ... should have it as well to get in place of a prisoner. "
Mother! Course. If up to the Palestinians can feel empathy Where will it stop? Why not also by the desire of a rapist to see a naked aunt? If a rapist and a Palestinian are practically the same, bucking! Hell, if the left is that we are the host; our ability to sympathize with others knows no bounds, except those that border on feminism, of course. And whyI do not have occurred to me to equate the innocent civilians of Gaza and the offenders held in prison in Valencia for violent crimes? Will I be hypocritical and short? If you are clear about them be deprived of his life there, and they want to deprive others of pornography rape and murder. The equation comes naturally! Well caught, comrades, now that's dedication and commitment and the rest is nonsense. We see that you are truly convinced that the Palestinians are innocent people and not merely pay lip say. Joder macho, if even sientís empathy for them, even by the Palestinians, look! How great you are. How great! Care
macho, is that you lose wiener. I lost and if you see it in "peger "you will say any nonsense to defend it.
And all this, where is the head of the Ministry of Equality? has gone, gone, where is he?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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Be Compared with the Germans of World War II? If the Germans commit genocide we'd say the Germans Committed genocide. If the Turks commit genocide we'd say the Turks Committed genocide. If the Hutus commit genocide Committed we'd say the Hutu genocide. If the Jews commit genocide, it does Not stand to reason That we'd say the Same Thing? Who Would think to deny this? And if WAS What the Nazis did to commit genocide, why, Then, is the comparation Not Legitimate? Are the Germans exceptional? Were the Nazis exceptional? Are the Jews exceptional?
Zionism is an exponent of the Jewish extreme right wing and, just as with the right wings of Other ethnicities, is STI People Are Convinced That somehow exceptional or special. It is hypocrital; Everything Zionists see as bloody and barbaric in Other People Becomes acceptable if Jews do the Same. They enforce this notion of exception in Their state, a racist state, and Promote Internationally it with much success. If Something Goes Wrong of course it is always the Other's fault. It paranoid and belligerent también Towards its Neighbours and use military power to Impose STI will on uncooperative people and Criticism Does Not Admit normal correction. In short: it is an extreme right wing group similar to The Many Others That litter the world.
The far right wing inexorably Tends Towards genocide. Its ideas start with cultural chauvinism, move on to exceptionalism and From There to racism, from racism to supremacy and delusions of persecution and paranoia from These delusions to Which ultimately leads to "ethnic cleansing." This is the shameful path That Followed Germany at the Beginning of the 20th century and it is the Same That Israel has Followed path. The odd thing, Then, Would Be Not Such an Obvious to make comparison. What is
exceptionalism? I'll reference the Wikipedia defInition: the perception That a country, society, institution, Movement, Time Period or is "exceptional" (ie, unusual or extraordinary) in Some Way and Malthus not does conform to normal rules, general Principles or the like.
The Nazis Were Convinced of the exceptional nature of Aryans and, by extension, of Their acts. They insisted Also Were That Other People's barbaric for Committing Acts That, When Committed by Aryans, They vindicated as Legitimate self-defense. They Also Manipulated The Germ people, Taking Advantage of Their ignorance, xenophobia, fear and paranoia to seize and Maintain power and commit atrocities. In What way are these Comparisons Not Legitimate? It is an Adequate description of the modern Israeli Society. Curiously, Nazism andshare the conviction Saami Zionism Jews That Are somehow exceptional.
The idea of exceptionalism has a long history and is Intimately related to genocide and supremacy of all sorts. And exceptionalism leads to genocide Rather Than Protecting people from Them as Zionists allege. Obvious this is now in Palestine where, INSTEAD OF Carrying out of Protecting Their supposed AIM Jews from Zionists Have Another genocide ended up perpetrating genocide Themselves on Another people. Historical
irony? Absolutely. But it Should Not Be Surprising to Those Who Do Not Believe in the Big Lie That Was and still is Jewish exceptionalism (or Any Other exceptionalism for that matter), in the Same Way That the sudden collapse of the U.S. economy hasn't taken by Those surprise(Admittedly few) of us Who never believe in American exceptionalism. If Jews Are we just as human as the Germans Then Does That settle it? There Are No Exceptions. Those Who Are The racists deny Jews and Stock That Could Be just as bad as the Nazis, Not Those of us Who Recognise The Fact! We are all human Equally, for Better or (Often more) for worse. That is the main historical lesson to Be gleaned from this whole tragedy That everyone ignore. Or What Would Otherwise the lesson be? That the Germans Are a bunch of evil brutes and everyone always requises over the Jews? That is Precisely the interpretation Zionism us Offers: simple-minded, racist, populist and typical of the right wing. But it not can be the humanist interpretation.
Jews Are Not any more Than any or exceptionalTHEREFORE Our ther ethnicity and extreme right wing is, alas, NOT and CAN exceptional Either remove Be Compared with Nazism and the like. Indeed, all of the world's far right wings, They Call Themselves whether Nazism, fascism, Wahhabism or Zionism, and as much as it pains Them to accept it, resemblance Each Other More Than Anything Else. It's true! Just think of it. There Is The closest thing to far right wing and Stock Out There is the far right wing of Their filthy and loathesome Neighbours! They Believe They Are exceptional from a global perspective yet it Becomes Clear That They Are all the same.
Jewish exceptionalism is as persistent Among anti-Jewish racists as it is Because racists Among Jewish exceptionalism is part of the Discourse of racism. Jewish Zionism exception useLISM to turn Into the Nazi Holocaust a Jewish tragedy. Yet the Nazi Holocaust not was a Jewish tragedy, Rath human tragedy. Until we stop seeing the Nazi Holocaust as a Jewish tragedy Rather Than a human one We Will Not Have Learned anything from it at all and it will go on repeating itself. A Leftist Discourse Should never lose sight of this in Confrontations with Zionism: history Does Not Belong to Any one people, and Neither does the Left, But Rather to all of Humanity. In the Same
vein, the Left Should never allow ITS Discourse in ethnicity and Stock That lay Claim to Being exceptional standards Other People That They declare to Be exceptional, Because That is how genocide starts and Stock. On the one hand the Left Should Condemn authentic anti-Jwhereever racism ewish it is found, and On the Other it Must Never Forget That Are Equally racist Zionists and THEREFORE Also Deserve To Be Thoroughly Condemned. If the Left Fails Some and Not Others it Sacrifices ITS GAINS human perspective and urge ethnic short-sighted perspective. The place of the Left is to take criminals to task for the fight and commit atrocities They Against oppression. Acts That Zionist Israel did just as Nazi Germany Should Not Be a point for debate Rather But an Obvious point! They stuck Have Enormous Palestinians in ghettos and Punish Them Without Mercy Just Because They Are Who They Are. Israelis and Stock
That Might To read this I'll say the Same thing that I've Said to my ex-compatriots the Americans: no country is perfect, But One Can not everBecome collaborator or an accessory to genocide. It is all well and good to say That MOST people Behave like sheep and Do Not Think for Themselves, But That Does Not exempt you from your Responsibility to act When you see your neighbor Being mistreated. I have no way to Influence Anyone except with my words so I'll just say this to you: Not History will absolve you. History will judge you harshly and Condemn you just as it has ultimately the Germans Who Were Condemned silent DURING World War II. When Confronting an Imperialist, genocidal and murderous Society Immediate with no hope for change, exile is Not only a dignified alternative, it May Be The only dignified alternative. Some Are Proud of Their ethnicity, Their country or Their Parents, Which IsBecause These Are absurd Conditions That We Do Not have any choice in. Others Are Only proud of Their acts. I'm One of Those. Should we feel exceptional for Our Acts and What is in our hearts, not for Our Heritage. What I feel MOST proud of is the Knowledge That I Would Not Have Stayed in Germany, i have not stay in the United States and I Would not stay in Israel. Down with Israel!
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& iquest, why can not compare the Jews with the Germans of World War II? If the Germans commit genocide, commit genocide. If the Turks committed genocide, committed genocide. If the Hutus committed genocide, committed genocide. If the Jews committed a genocide, is it not also commit it? Who would think to deny this? And if the Nazis did was commit genocide, why, then, the comparison would not be suitable? Perhaps the Germans are exceptional? Would it were the Nazis? Would it are the Jews? Zionism is
an exponent of the extreme right judíay, like the right wing of all ethnicities, is convinced of the uniqueness of its people . It is hypocritical, everything you see red blood coming from the other color turns pink if it comes from his own people. Effect does this notion of exceptionalism in your state, an apartheid state, and promote internationally with great success. If something goes wrong is the fault of everyone but those of their ethnicity. It's paranoid and belligerent neighbors, pulling the military might to impose their will on those not before it, and does not allow criticism or amendments. In short: it is an extreme right as many. CHTML
Dad, institution, group, movement or historical period) is somehow
"exceptional" and therefore falls outside the norms, principles, rights or obligations considered "normal."
the Nazis were also convinced of the uniqueness of the Aryans and, by extension, of their actions. Also called barbarians to other peoples by acts which, when ownership of the perpetrators, defended as "legitimate defense." Also manipulated its people, taking advantage of their ignorance, xenophobia, fear and paranoia to perpetuate themselves in power and commit totrocidades. If there comes to the comparison, how would not be suitable? Interestingly, Nazism and Zionism share the conviction that Jews are somehow exceptional. The idea of exceptionalism comes from afar and is closely linked to genocide and supremacy of any court. And precisely exceptionalism leads to genocide, and does not protect them as claimed by the Zionists. This has been demonstrated in Palestine, where instead of complying with its claim to protect the Jews from another genocide, the Zionists have ended up committing genocide against another people.
hist Irony "s are equally human, for better or (much mass often) worse. That is the great historical lesson of all this and we all miss. What, if not, would it be? What the Germans are brutes and Jews smug putean us all? That is the interpretation as Zionism: short, simplistic, racist, populist own right, but can not be the human interpretation.
But the Jews are no more exceptional than any other ethnic group on Earth, and therefore neither is our extreme right. And all the far-right world, they call themselves Nazism, fascism, Wahhabism or Zionism, and spite of them and muchor find it hard to recognize, who is most like themselves. It's true! Who else will seem all right-wing is to the far right of that filthy and despicable people next to them. They think they're exceptional, but viewed from a global perspective is evident that they are all equal.
Jewish exceptionalism is so morbid and persistent anti-Jewish racists both among Jews and between racist. Zionism Jewish exceptionalism strip for instrumenting the Holocaust, making it a Jewish tragedy. But the Nazi Holocaust was not a Jewish tragedy but a tragedy human
. Until you stop to understand the Holocaust as a Jewish tragedy rather than human tragedy
we have not learned absolutely nothing from him and keep repeating
. A leftist approach should always keep this in mind when faced Zionism: history not belong to any people, nor left . Son of all mankind. also left should never admit in his speeches that people declare any exceptional or exceptional declaring other people because that is the germ of all genocides. On the one hand should condemn anti-Jewish racism wherever you find it, andone must not forget that the Zionists are just as racist and therefore also deserve the utmost condemnation. If a fault or others who loses is the human perspective and what replaces it is a perspective é Ethnic and shortsighted. The left is typical of the criminals responsible for its atrocities and always struggle against the oppression of some by others. That Zionist Israel is behaving like Nazi Germany should be a truism, not a debate. Has put the Palestinians in ghettos huge and crushing without respite or mercy only to be Palestinian. The Israelis say the same thing to my former fellow Americans: NONE; No country is perfect,
but you can not do under any circumstances is collaborating with genocidal
. And borreguismo be widespread in the world, but do not vex disclaims complicity when your neighbor and you stay idle. I have no way of influencing the decisions of others, apart from the word, so I leave you with this:
The story does not absolve you, and history will judge you and condemn you as it has
finished condemning the Germans who remained silent during the Second World War. It was already said, by silence, grants. Faced with a society imperialist, genocidal killer who does not continue to be so, exile no s ó it is a decent option but may be the only decent option. Some are proud of their ethnicity or their country their parents, something absurd because they are conditions that do not choose. Others are proud of their actions only. I am of those. We should be exceptional for our actions and our hearts, not our heritage. From what I'm most proud of knowing that, for me I would not have been played in Germany, touched me I have not been in the U.S., and I would not touch me in Israel. Of course, there each with their conscience. Down with Israel!