For there among the public comment analysis found this gem written by a reader whose argument, I must say, subscribe to 100%. Since I can not bring you anything that improves or clarify, I reproduce here , as is (divided into paragraphs for readability):
Within the exaltation that Zionism has made the mass murder of Jews, among other groups by Nazi Germany, the " ; denial "or" relativism "have constituted crimes unforgivable. And that is not the same. Denial has tried to remove the legitimacy of Zionism re-twisting the reality of repression & oacute n Nazi Zionist reverse order. Holocaust relativism, far from denying it, he brings other perspectives in any case, the Zionists understand as detrimental to their "cathartic ecstasy" as a denial.
Today, with the massacres of Palestinians in 2008 and 2009 we find a situation in which the Zionists have exchanged their role in representing the deniers. "There are massacres," all are "isolated and independent" and if anything, was in "response to a provocation" and therefore "deserved." They do not like to hear (let him), but Israel is today a collective psychopathology marginallyou; tico caged in their own atomic power. Only if the Israelis knew the power board administrator have on the environment, could "reverse" the process of degeneration which are entangled (all told, with the unconditional support of many Europeans who are not them more than "pawns" useful for another estragegia more blood and fire imposition of capitalist values in the entire planet.)
Israel can negotiate, without any danger for economic integrity (rather the opposite, with greater opportunities). Lift the criminal SITE GAZA, down the wall, negotiate an agreement with the Palestinians (about las bases of Taba, without going any further, or the 1967 Fortera Hamas had accepted in 2007). Nothing. Deny everything. Deny the crime, deny, solution, critics deny .. They talk of suicide bombers. Israel apparently whole-BOMB A COUNTRY, A COUNTRY SUICIDE.
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