These are difficult times to be an idealist. Cynicism is one cove to the bone, so we are immersed. And through it all there is left that gives absolute disgrace. Is a left confused and lack of philosophical and ethical to know what you think and why. Is a left that has no own opinion and becomes dependent on the discretion of their opponents. Is a left unable to meet right, defend an ideology attractive alternative on which to base the "another world is possible" that some speak. Is a left Manichaean not want to know about nuances, raised on Hollywood movies and you need to have good and bad clearly delineated at all times. Is a left that opposes but shall propose e .
This left determines their positions through alliances and their philosophy is, in short, believe the opposite of claiming the right. Very often this leads to inconsistency and appalling that the right is used to discredit us. Here's a long list: If the right
pornography attack, we defend it - no matter who uses sexist and racist clichés, no matter what all the major capitalist media distrust inspirational.
If prostitution right attacks, we defend it, and if it attacks the client of prostitution, to defend him too. Never mind that the vast majority of prostitutes are slaves and that gangs bring.
Chechens. Okay.
But right attacking Serbia of committing genocide against the Kosovar Albanians Islamophobic ... It feels a lot! Serbia worship and say that there was no genocide, all are stories that are invented NATO.
right And if Russia attacks war with Georgia ... Now is that we love the Kremlin and everything he does, and harangued his army! If the right
defends the Jews, the attack and say that the Holocaust never happened, the Zionists invented it all.
If the right says that gays are bad, defend. If the right says that Hamas is bad, we say they are libertarians. If Hamas attacks on gays, we are silent,
and waited to see what it says right
. If the right says that Hamas is bad for gays, gays tell them to shut up and that Hamas are libertarians.
no longer remember many years ago, defending Islam right tooth and nail because it was his unyielding bastion of pious believers and infidels against hordes of Soviet communism. What did the left then the Islam? That was a backward, medieval religion that made its people suffer, that the imams and mullahs were sold out to capitalism and the Koran used as an opium used to keep workers and peasants. (The Iranian teachers I had, which are left "before the" continue with this interpretation and learned from them.) When it seemed that Israel would align with the UNION Soviet, what did the left of Israel? That was a communist egalitarian society should emulate, of course! It is not difficult nowadays to find a English ex-hippies who spent time in the kibbutz
. When Israel was sold to the United States changed the discourse, of course. Now that the Right defends the Jews and Zionism as the new bulwark against the new hordes infidels, this time Islamic left is akin to Islam. I suspect that if Israel had been aligned with the Soviet Union would have the right of the Palestinians and many leftists who today defend the Palestinians would attack.
is depressing and worrying to see so much inconsistency and lack of own ideas on the leftBEI at such a key to the story. As the left has things seem clear that the reforms will take place on the right, with his usual Leopard, and end up with 3 / 4 of the same. I hope to be wrong.
This inconsistency also makes it difficult for me to approach the left and makes me long for the assurance of radical feminism ... is not that feminists are perfect, but I've never met a Jewish radical feminist who has defended Israel or an Arab radical feminist who has defended Hamas. And that, like it or not, is admirable. Is due to a doctrine that blames men of the conflict, and all conflicts, which I think can be a bit simplistic and dogmatic. But it was his doctrine, hell, and defensiblean in dignity and consistency against left and right and what was needed. Not like us who have to wait and see what the neocons say before opening your mouth, lest we agree on something. I still think that radical feminism is the most consistent philosophical today's left, perhaps with humanism.
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