Before departure, in Philadelphia, Obama called on Americans to proclaim a "new Declaration of Independence", not the nation but for their lives.
"What is needed," said Obama - is the same perseverance and idealism that our founders showed, "said Obama, who appealed to citizens to seek inspiration in the founding fathers of the country to cope with difficult times live.
The founding fathers of America! Slavery and trafficking in human beings all of them, who laid the foundations of an oligarchic regime and a country that universal suffrage would not come until well into the 1960's. The founding fathers of the United States do not inspire nada that is not vomit. Soil compare the mindless adulation of Americans to their "founding fathers" with the Turks to Mustafa Kemal, but to be fair the comparison is not entirely valid ... Atatürk drop me a thousand times better. At least introduced universal suffrage! Rather, it seems absurd to have to bow to French dictator Napoleon.
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