I sat a comment about this issue to Be published in this article in public about how the Israeli ambassador has reacted to Comparisons Being made of Jews with Nazis But It Was Lost (I believe public's Commenting software is buggy as people's comments Often disappear) . Anyway it was quite frustrating Because of all the silliness I sarcastic post on There This Was Actually Rather important, so I've Decided to turn it Into a sort of article here. Why can not Jews
Be Compared with the Germans of World War II? If the Germans commit genocide we'd say the Germans Committed genocide. If the Turks commit genocide we'd say the Turks Committed genocide. If the Hutus commit genocide Committed we'd say the Hutu genocide. If the Jews commit genocide, it does Not stand to reason That we'd say the Same Thing? Who Would think to deny this? And if WAS What the Nazis did to commit genocide, why, Then, is the comparation Not Legitimate? Are the Germans exceptional? Were the Nazis exceptional? Are the Jews exceptional?
Zionism is an exponent of the Jewish extreme right wing and, just as with the right wings of Other ethnicities, is STI People Are Convinced That somehow exceptional or special. It is hypocrital; Everything Zionists see as bloody and barbaric in Other People Becomes acceptable if Jews do the Same. They enforce this notion of exception in Their state, a racist state, and Promote Internationally it with much success. If Something Goes Wrong of course it is always the Other's fault. It paranoid and belligerent también Towards its Neighbours and use military power to Impose STI will on uncooperative people and Criticism Does Not Admit normal correction. In short: it is an extreme right wing group similar to The Many Others That litter the world.
The far right wing inexorably Tends Towards genocide. Its ideas start with cultural chauvinism, move on to exceptionalism and From There to racism, from racism to supremacy and delusions of persecution and paranoia from These delusions to Which ultimately leads to "ethnic cleansing." This is the shameful path That Followed Germany at the Beginning of the 20th century and it is the Same That Israel has Followed path. The odd thing, Then, Would Be Not Such an Obvious to make comparison. What is
exceptionalism? I'll reference the Wikipedia defInition: the perception That a country, society, institution, Movement, Time Period or is "exceptional" (ie, unusual or extraordinary) in Some Way and Malthus not does conform to normal rules, general Principles or the like.
The Nazis Were Convinced of the exceptional nature of Aryans and, by extension, of Their acts. They insisted Also Were That Other People's barbaric for Committing Acts That, When Committed by Aryans, They vindicated as Legitimate self-defense. They Also Manipulated The Germ people, Taking Advantage of Their ignorance, xenophobia, fear and paranoia to seize and Maintain power and commit atrocities. In What way are these Comparisons Not Legitimate? It is an Adequate description of the modern Israeli Society. Curiously, Nazism andshare the conviction Saami Zionism Jews That Are somehow exceptional.
The idea of exceptionalism has a long history and is Intimately related to genocide and supremacy of all sorts. And exceptionalism leads to genocide Rather Than Protecting people from Them as Zionists allege. Obvious this is now in Palestine where, INSTEAD OF Carrying out of Protecting Their supposed AIM Jews from Zionists Have Another genocide ended up perpetrating genocide Themselves on Another people. Historical
irony? Absolutely. But it Should Not Be Surprising to Those Who Do Not Believe in the Big Lie That Was and still is Jewish exceptionalism (or Any Other exceptionalism for that matter), in the Same Way That the sudden collapse of the U.S. economy hasn't taken by Those surprise(Admittedly few) of us Who never believe in American exceptionalism. If Jews Are we just as human as the Germans Then Does That settle it? There Are No Exceptions. Those Who Are The racists deny Jews and Stock That Could Be just as bad as the Nazis, Not Those of us Who Recognise The Fact! We are all human Equally, for Better or (Often more) for worse. That is the main historical lesson to Be gleaned from this whole tragedy That everyone ignore. Or What Would Otherwise the lesson be? That the Germans Are a bunch of evil brutes and everyone always requises over the Jews? That is Precisely the interpretation Zionism us Offers: simple-minded, racist, populist and typical of the right wing. But it not can be the humanist interpretation.
Jews Are Not any more Than any or exceptionalTHEREFORE Our ther ethnicity and extreme right wing is, alas, NOT and CAN exceptional Either remove Be Compared with Nazism and the like. Indeed, all of the world's far right wings, They Call Themselves whether Nazism, fascism, Wahhabism or Zionism, and as much as it pains Them to accept it, resemblance Each Other More Than Anything Else. It's true! Just think of it. There Is The closest thing to far right wing and Stock Out There is the far right wing of Their filthy and loathesome Neighbours! They Believe They Are exceptional from a global perspective yet it Becomes Clear That They Are all the same.
Jewish exceptionalism is as persistent Among anti-Jewish racists as it is Because racists Among Jewish exceptionalism is part of the Discourse of racism. Jewish Zionism exception useLISM to turn Into the Nazi Holocaust a Jewish tragedy. Yet the Nazi Holocaust not was a Jewish tragedy, Rath human tragedy. Until we stop seeing the Nazi Holocaust as a Jewish tragedy Rather Than a human one We Will Not Have Learned anything from it at all and it will go on repeating itself. A Leftist Discourse Should never lose sight of this in Confrontations with Zionism: history Does Not Belong to Any one people, and Neither does the Left, But Rather to all of Humanity. In the Same
vein, the Left Should never allow ITS Discourse in ethnicity and Stock That lay Claim to Being exceptional standards Other People That They declare to Be exceptional, Because That is how genocide starts and Stock. On the one hand the Left Should Condemn authentic anti-Jwhereever racism ewish it is found, and On the Other it Must Never Forget That Are Equally racist Zionists and THEREFORE Also Deserve To Be Thoroughly Condemned. If the Left Fails Some and Not Others it Sacrifices ITS GAINS human perspective and urge ethnic short-sighted perspective. The place of the Left is to take criminals to task for the fight and commit atrocities They Against oppression. Acts That Zionist Israel did just as Nazi Germany Should Not Be a point for debate Rather But an Obvious point! They stuck Have Enormous Palestinians in ghettos and Punish Them Without Mercy Just Because They Are Who They Are. Israelis and Stock
That Might To read this I'll say the Same thing that I've Said to my ex-compatriots the Americans: no country is perfect, But One Can not everBecome collaborator or an accessory to genocide. It is all well and good to say That MOST people Behave like sheep and Do Not Think for Themselves, But That Does Not exempt you from your Responsibility to act When you see your neighbor Being mistreated. I have no way to Influence Anyone except with my words so I'll just say this to you: Not History will absolve you. History will judge you harshly and Condemn you just as it has ultimately the Germans Who Were Condemned silent DURING World War II. When Confronting an Imperialist, genocidal and murderous Society Immediate with no hope for change, exile is Not only a dignified alternative, it May Be The only dignified alternative. Some Are Proud of Their ethnicity, Their country or Their Parents, Which IsBecause These Are absurd Conditions That We Do Not have any choice in. Others Are Only proud of Their acts. I'm One of Those. Should we feel exceptional for Our Acts and What is in our hearts, not for Our Heritage. What I feel MOST proud of is the Knowledge That I Would Not Have Stayed in Germany, i have not stay in the United States and I Would not stay in Israel. Down with Israel!
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