Although I consider myself left-wing is, sadly, impossible not to be critical of both one and with others. I wish I were, I wish the left was the indomitable bastion of sanity in the world I would like. But it is not the case.
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usually divided into two groups: the ultra-right that can not resist teasing the rock and the "no more" on the left purist who claim to be more Marxist than Marx (which is somewhat difficult as Marx once said "I am not a Marxist", but that's another matter.) Unfortunately this lowers intelligence seriously most of the comments, but sometimes can be fun and even poignant, often sin in all cases of childhood.
Demagoguerya is the greatest enemy of rational discourse, not only but also, by extension, rational behavior. We tend to see clearly the irrational behavior of others without acknowledging their own, and that is very dangerous. Encourages demagoguery injustice as it depends on it. The Zionists do demagoguery when responding to any criticism with the mantra of "antisemitism" and the call to "drive the Israelis into the sea" no longer be another form of demagoguery.
In Spain, ETA commits an offense they put a tube demagoguery. Every politician and his mother out solemnly to denounce the "savagery" and, immediately afterwards, to say that ETA is in the final. If taken literally, would have to conclude that ETA has been en the past for most of its existence. Obviously what matters about ETA is attempting to stop, not it's on its last legs, the first or middle, or you're more or less "finished." Moreover, the activity of ETA is not substantially very different from the many mafias and gangs that are operating in Spain, some of them also with political demands. Neo-Nazis, eg, celebrating the murder of Carlos Palomino by a fascist, like ETA hold their murders. And yet no politician came to the fore at the time to condemn solmnemente, the savagery and ensure that neo-Nazis in Spain are "in the past." Why, if Carlos Palomino is equally dead yan Isaías CarrascoInguna of the two can import them and who killed them? Because plain-and simple, it is useless to denounce a political and populist but the other event. It follows that the policy consideration make their complaints to ETA for political gain that they reported (or to avoid the unpopularity that would cause them not) and not true feelings of dismay. That is, do demagoguery.
Lately I've been reading a little French press to improve my French and I could see the treatment of something that was news in Spain not long ago: that Zapatero was not invited to the mini-summit that Sarkozy called Merkel and Berlusconi. At that time, the English right hatched demagogic interpretation according to which the fault was (betor not you guess) Zapatero to manage the economy so bad and ridicule in the international scene through its association with Hugo Chavez and cut no ice and be irrelevant. This was clearly demagoguery if only for the contradictions (if Zaptero is irrelevant, what's the ridicule that would have done? And if you made a fool of myself and therefore rejected it, would not you want to say that is relevant?). However, from the French press critical of Sarkozy seems he was treated like a clumsy lunge over the president to "the most dynamic economy in Europe." Well, a English reader, probably the PP, could not leave it at that and said, shocked, that the French had no idea what was happening in Spain and how badly we, as reconsultation to be an interesting duel of opposing demagoguery that worked well in their respective environments but seemed pond fish taken once collated together.
In Public (returning to the subject) have come true lately a bunch of racist anti-Jewish to comment more and more outrageous and declaring the left. They make the racist anti-Arab company that claim to the right. (Yes, we will). Some of the most rabid, for instance, came to be known hoaxes studies say that up to 60% of the English genome is due to contact with the Jews but clarifying that "if true, would explain our rogue, rude, and in general, anything bad that we have. " Authentic discourseleft, yes sir. Since the comments are ranked by score is that most of those voting (which tend to be, I suppose, the same comment) responds positively to this kind of racist demagoguery, as well as right-respond positively to his. Another commenter who tried to equate racist against Arabs and against Jews was "stitched negative" by all, as we say in the forums. That is, all preferred their version to sound demagogic.
Some have noted that although the European extreme right almost came to exterminate the Jews a century ago, today are the most constant and ferocious defenders of Israel and the Zionist claims. Others say that despiteMuslim countries are implacable opponents of the majority of social rights claimed by the left, it refuses to criticize Islam. And everyone is right. But you have to keep in mind is that most who call themselves "activists" of a movement does not have its own criteria, simply repeat or exaggerate what they hear and try to stand at odds with those who perceived their opponents as appropriate to look good among his people. As politicians condemn ETA from time to time because "there is always good," while overlooking other criminal activities just as destructive or more but whose complaint would not lead to any immediate political benefit.
That's where demagogues emerge to meetown thinking: the desire to exploit the sheep to look good among his people, telling them what to think and say to get it. But sometimes these false and hypocritical prick make a mess and end up betraying themselves. In this case I say "make a mess dick" not in the lively and figurative sense, but in the absolutely literal sense. And is that very often men who, in fact, bundled by the cock.
Well, it appears that in prison in Valencia Picassent the director had the brilliant idea of bringing the prisoners, some jailed for rape, to witness a striptease . When given the news out in a rush to leave the forum, mostly, childish comments, saying that the poorprisoners also deserve to enjoy and have to pamper them, and in any case we bigots who see it as sexism. But to his great regret the next day in Valencia Esquerra Unida demanded the resignation of the director and branded as sexist and denigrating the show, revealing the foreros. Some even said and I quote, "No, can not believe That the United Left is against erotic or pornographic spectacle for men not to be believed: that's what the Catholic Church. What should the United Left claim is an erotic or pornographic spectacle for the dams, which also have the right to masturbate. After all it is better to masturbate to kill a Palestinian, is not it? . "
Man, I donever raised, but now that you mention it I guess so, it is better to masturbate than to kill a Palestinian. I see it better at least go. Go if you look better. But you'll need to see the apples with the oranges, I do not see so clear. What will they see the slaughter in Gaza that the United Left is against "an erotic show for boys" or that this Maromo not you believe it? I do not know, I know, are the mysteries and cryptic own demagoguery. But wait, because the thing better.
Imagine my surprise when one of the most relentless critics, not only of Zionism but of all Jews and staunch defenders of the Palestinians out with this pearl of wisdom:
"... outraged bya nude is itself hypocritical and short people, unable to put on instead of the internal Picassent and understand that this show made them forget for a few hours of his confinement. Is a left that has empathy to put yourself in the shoes of a Palestinian ... should have it as well to get in place of a prisoner. "
Mother! Course. If up to the Palestinians can feel empathy Where will it stop? Why not also by the desire of a rapist to see a naked aunt? If a rapist and a Palestinian are practically the same, bucking! Hell, if the left is that we are the host; our ability to sympathize with others knows no bounds, except those that border on feminism, of course. And whyI do not have occurred to me to equate the innocent civilians of Gaza and the offenders held in prison in Valencia for violent crimes? Will I be hypocritical and short? If you are clear about them be deprived of his life there, and they want to deprive others of pornography rape and murder. The equation comes naturally! Well caught, comrades, now that's dedication and commitment and the rest is nonsense. We see that you are truly convinced that the Palestinians are innocent people and not merely pay lip say. Joder macho, if even sientís empathy for them, even by the Palestinians, look! How great you are. How great! Care
macho, is that you lose wiener. I lost and if you see it in "peger "you will say any nonsense to defend it.
And all this, where is the head of the Ministry of Equality? has gone, gone, where is he?
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